Embodying the Gospel Philippians 1: 27-30

St. Paul tells his church to live their political lives in a way that reflects the values of the gospel (Phil 1:27). During this contentious political season, how does the gospel invite us to be engaged as the church?[pdf-embedder url="https://www.trinitypresbyterianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Embodying-the-Gospel-10.12.2020.pdf" title="Embodying the Gospel 10.12.2020"]
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Embodying Gratitude Philippians 1: 3-11

St. Paul writes from isolation, uncertain of when he will be with his people again. Yet, he begins his letter with a word of gratitude. During this challenging year, what are we grateful for and how do we get there?[pdf-embedder url="https://www.trinitypresbyterianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Embodying-Gratitude-10.4.2020.pdf" title="Embodying Gratitude 10.4.2020"]
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Getting a Passover Exodus 12

When it comes to suffering we all would like a passover. During the final plague, Egypt is ransacked with death visiting them. How do we make sense of the story today?Exodus 12 9.20.2020
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Plagues Exodus 7: 8- 8:12

Moses and Pharaoh are in a time of plagues. We find our lives are being consumed by two plagues as well: Covid and racism. What could today's plague be exposing and revealing before our eyes today?[pdf-embedder url="https://www.trinitypresbyterianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Plagues-9.13.2020.pdf" title="Plagues 9.13.2020"]
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